Key Things We Look for When Performing Flat Roofing Inspections

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One of the many services that our team at Ladder Labor provides is roof inspections, which allow you to identify potential problems with your roof and correct them before they can do any real damage. We inspect all types of roofs, including flat roofing on commercial properties. In this article, we will go over the key things we look for in our flat roofing inspections so that you have an idea of what to watch out for.

Key Things We Look for When Performing Flat Roofing Inspections

  • Pooling Water – If we see puddles of water on your roof as part of our flat roofing inspection, you likely have a drainage problem on your hands. When dealing with this problem, it’s important to correct the slope of the roof as soon as possible, as the pooling water will only cause the roof to sag even worse over time.
  • Damaged Seals – Another thing we look for in our flat roofing inspections is damaged or worn-out seals. If the caulking or tar used to create these seals comes loose, that leaves your building vulnerable to water damage, so it’s imperative to get these gaps re-sealed right away.
  • Mold or Mildew – A third thing we watch out for during flat roofing inspections is the presence of mold or mildew. Both of these microorganisms can do serious damage to your structure if left unchecked, so we make sure to keep an eye out for them and remove them before they can spread further or do lasting harm.